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Would you like to advertise your business or event with us? It's easy...and it works!
E-mail us for rates and details.

The following is information regarding our current sponsors.  We ask that you buy their products and use their services because they are the ones that make it financially possible for us to do what we do!

Slovene National Benefit Society - SNPJ
Phone toll-free1-800-THE-SNPJ
The SNPJ is a great Slovenian fraternal organization that's been around for over 100 years. To become a member, take advantage of their great insurance plans and let them provide you with excellent service and financial security. Once becoming a member, you can take advantage their many benefits including college scholarships, athletics such as golf and bowling, youth programs, and a 500 acre recreation center in Enon Valley, PA, that the whole family can enjoy.

Call them toll-free for a FREE information packet or visit the SNPJ website for more information.

SNPJ Lodge #106 - 255 W. Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA
Phone 724-695-1411
Lodge 106's facilities are great for weddings & private parties.  Their newly remodeled clubroom hosts numerous events throughout the year and is available to lodge members & their guests. Become a member of SNPJ Lodge 106 - see their sales reps Joe Sladick and Stan Repos to purchase SNPJ Life Insurance or an annuity. Social memberships are also available.  Visit their website for an event schedule and more details.

If you are looking to change or compare Medicare advantage plans, contact Carleen Lachman, Licensed Insurance Broker.
Carleen is there every step of the way helping with your questions and providing piece of mind when prioritizing your health.
She provides personalized consultations on Medicare Advantage Plans and guidance on coverage that fits your specific needs.
For a one-on-one consult call Carleen at 724-571-4688.

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